Spiders as a natural exterminator
When you see a spider in your home, your first inclination is to kill it, right? For some of us this is 100% true. But for others, we let them be. Maybe we’ll scoop them up and take them outside or maybe we’ll just let them live with us. Whichever camp you in, spiders are in fact, the original pest control operator. They will spin webs to catch whatevers flying or crawling around your home. All without the use of chemicals. We let our fear of spiders and all their creepy glory scare us into killing them. There are some spiders you don’t want to see in your house…I understand that (NO ONE wants to live with black widows), but maybe next time take a second before you squish one and think about the impact they have on on our environment. Unless it’s a venomous spider, then give us a call.